"Lucid Dreaming is the art of dreaming while awake and awaken while dreaming."
You might ask, WHAT?!
To answer your question, it is essential to grasp the meanings of "Dream" and "Awaken." The condition of absolute awareness, or being "awakened," transpires when an individual is fully conscious of themselves and their immediate surroundings. It manifests as a heightened state of joyfulness and carefreeness. Individuals who do not engage in practices such as meditation, prayer, fasting, or any form of mental discipline may encounter this heightened awareness sporadically throughout their lives. Conversely, those who practice meditation will likely undergo this experience more frequently. In this state of consciousness, the world and emotions become more vivid, and the sense of presence intensifies.
Dreaming refers to the complex and imaginative mental experiences that occur during sleep, primarily in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage. During this phase, the brain engages in a dynamic interplay of neural activity, creating a vivid and often surreal world within the mind of the dreamer. Dreams encompass a wide range of emotions, scenarios, and sensory perceptions that may be fantastical, symbolic, or reflective of one's waking life. While the exact purpose of dreaming remains a subject of scientific inquiry and debate, it is widely recognized as a natural and integral aspect of the human sleep cycle. Dreams can serve various functions, including memory consolidation, emotional processing, problem-solving, and creative inspiration, offering a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of the subconscious mind.
Throughout their daily lives, most individuals oscillate between the realms of dreaming and full awareness. They concentrate on a thought or task briefly, only to have their minds drift away, leading to procrastination and a detachment from reality. This cycle repeats consistently, spanning from the moment they wake up until they return to bed each day.
In this exercise, we will delve into mastering one of the most straightforward and time-honored techniques for gaining awareness within our dreams.
What you need to do before practicing:
- Avoid screen time at least one hour before bedtime.
- Refrain from alcohol consumption or mind-altering drugs before going to bed.
- Opt for lighter meals and avoid heavy foods at least three hours before sleeping.
- Ensure your bed is clean and comfortable in preparation for a restful night.