The origin of Sun-Moon breath lies in the East, especially in the writings of Indian, Tibetan, and Buddhist traditions, various forms of this practice can be found.
What you are about to read is a commonly used, tested, and effective method of this breath for lucid dreamers. It may not be beneficial for those who do not intend to engage in lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming refers to a set of efforts that lead to becoming aware in a dream or experiencing an out-of-body state.
Before sleep, set an alarm for about four to five hours after going to bed (roughly late in the third or early in the fourth sleep cycle) and go to sleep. Instead of an alarm, Dream Guardian method can be used.
Upon waking up, first move yourself and stretch out in the best and most comfortable way possible. Perform Sun-Moon breath as follows, in three parts and in sequence:
First Part: Close your eyes and keep them closed until the end of the third part and even after completing the exercise.
Using the index finger or thumb of your right hand (whichever is more comfortable), plug the right nostril and perform inhalation with the left nostril. Then, without holding the breath, use the finger to plug the left nostril and perform exhalation from the right nostril. Inhalation and exhalation should be almost, but not completely, deep. Holding the breath occurs only between plugging the other nostril and not more.
During inhalation, visualize the air drawn in as green. During exhalation, there is no need to visualize any color. Instead, imagine the air leaving like vapor from all around you. Perform this inhalation and exhalation three times in a row.
Part Two: Exactly like the first part. Only the positions of the nasal passages change. This time, plug the left nostril with your finger and inhale from the right nostril. Then, plug the right nostril and exhale from the left nostril. During inhalation, visualize the air as green, and during exhalation, imagine the air leaving like vapor from all around your body.
Perform this inhalation and exhalation three times in a row.
Part Three: Inhale and exhale through both nasal passages. When drawing in the air, maintain awareness on the navel and visualize the air drawn in as green. During exhalation, imagine the air leaving like vapor from the top of your head.
Perform this inhalation and exhalation three times.
At the end of the three-part Sun-Moon breath, you have consciously performed nine inhalations and exhalations. If desired, the exercise can be repeated one or two more times. After completing the exercise, without opening your eyes, go to sleep with the intention of experiencing a lucid dream.
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