Tranquility of the body, or relaxing the body, is a prerequisite for success in activities that demand your creativity and resilience. Such activities include creating works of art, preparing for professional sports competitions, finding new solutions to old problems, and managing stress.
Tranquility of the body is highly beneficial for meditation, mindfulness practices, relaxation exercises, and lucid dreaming.
But what is body tranquility, and how can it be achieved? Many learners of lucid dreaming complain about the lack of necessary calmness during the execution of techniques. This restlessness is one of the factors contributing to the lack of success in the outcomes of lucid dreaming and out-of-body experiences.
Body tranquility involves calming the muscles and releasing tension from them. The calmer and more relaxed the body and its muscles are, the calmer and more peaceful the mind will be. Any thought or tension contracts the muscles, and if an individual can release the contracted muscles, the associated thought or tension will be alleviated in a short period. This is particularly crucial when initiating mindfulness techniques.
There are various methods devised for body tranquility, and in its classical form, these methods are categorized into three groups: post-muscle contraction methods, non-muscle contraction methods, and visualization methods.
Method 1: Start by sitting or lying down. Close your eyes. Imagine that the eyelids of both your eyes have become so heavy that you will have difficulty opening them. After a few seconds, slowly open your eyes, but not all at once. The opening of the eyes should be extremely gradual, as if a strong force has gripped your eyelids, making it challenging to move them.
After you have slowly and with effort opened your eyes, close them without applying pressure. Again, envision that your eyelids have become so heavy that you cannot move them. This time, try to open your eyes by lifting your eyebrows, but this action must be very slow and difficult. It should feel as though a force is preventing the eyelids from opening.
Usually, after repeating this process three or four times, your eyes become so tired that you can no longer open them. Eye fatigue signals to the brain to command relaxation to all muscles. Since the eyes usually tire only when a person needs sleep, during sleep, most body muscles become relaxed and at ease.
If you perform the exercise correctly, within one to two minutes, you will enter a state of light trance and gentle relaxation. After a while of practice, in just one or two minutes of trance, you will experience a very deep state.
Method 2: First, sit or lie down. Close your eyes and wait for about thirty seconds for your body and mind to calm down a bit. Then, count from one to five and open and close your eyes at the speed of one blink. Again, count from one to five and quickly open and close your eyes with the speed of one blink. Repeat this regularly. After about one to two minutes, your eyes will become very tired, and you will not be able to open them.
As you practice for a few days, during this short period, your body and muscles will completely relax to the point that you will enter a very deep trance in two to three minutes.
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